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Scooby’s Journey: Triumphs, Trials, and Tuk Tuk Rides

Our fur baby Scooby, a fluffy Pomeranian with a heart as big as his fur faced a tough time when a strange lump appeared on his back leg.

At first, everyone thought it was nothing to worry about. But as the lump grew, we got worried. We went to the local vets, but they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. It was tough because in Calcutta, getting proper vet care is tricky.

Scooby had to have two surgeries to remove the lump, but it kept coming back and the vets couldn’t identify what was the issue. It was like a stubborn guest who wouldn’t leave! Finally, we decided to take him to Bengaluru, where the vet care is better.

Thanks to the awesome folks at Cessna Lifeline and the skillful Dr. R. Rajan, Scooby got the right treatment. They found out he had a serious thing called a Mast cell tumor (MCT), and they had to remove his leg to help him.

But that wasn’t the end of Scooby’s troubles. He also had a weak heart, which made the surgery riskier with severe heart murmur. But the doctors were super careful, and Scooby pulled through like a champ.

After the surgery, Scooby had some tough times. His wound got infected during his stay at the hospital, and it took a long time to heal. But through it all, Scooby stayed brave, and we tried to stay by him as much possible.

After a while, Scooby started feeling better. He had three amazing months filled with adventures! He went to the beach, explored parks, we have had awesome tuk tuk rides and even made some new friends.

But the battle wasn’t over yet. Scooby had to go through more treatments for his tumor. It wasn’t easy, but Scooby kept his spirits up, wagging his tail through it all. Scooby may have lost a leg, but he gained a newfound appreciation for every moment spent with those he loved.

However, the battle was far from over. Multiple MCTs has now dotted Scooby’s body, and he is currently undergoing IV chemotherapy. Yet, through it all, his we have tried our best to remain by his side, showering him with love and support.

Our story isn’t one of miraculous recoveries or fairy-tale endings. It’s a testament to resilience, love, and the unbreakable bond between a dog and his devoted humans. Despite the hardships, Scooby’s spirit remained indomitable, his wagging tail a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

So, as Scooby continues his journey, let his tale serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is strength in love, and hope in the simplest of joys. And though the road may be rocky, with courage, companionship, and the skilled hands of surgeons, anything is possible.

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